Nephew of founder returns to his roots, brings 1903 & 1908 issues with him
In the summer of 1995, I worked a three month internship at The Warroad Pioneer, which I'm sorry to say has since ceased operation. This was the first professional newspaper that I worked for in my career, and it turned out to be a wonderful experience. I had only worked at Bemidji State University's newspaper for about a year and half before landing the internship. At The Pioneer I gained experience in sports, feature, beat and government reporting. I designed pages, took and developed photographs and was responsible for community relations. The best part is that I remain friends with the owners nearly 30 years later.

Aug. 1, 1995
By Devlyn Brooks
In 1899, a man by the name of William H. Book founded a newspaper named the Warroad Plaindealer in Warroad. This paper lasted until 1912. The paper actually had originated in Roseau two years earlier in 1897, but was moved to Warroad in 1899.
Book later moved to Washington after closing up his newspaper.
In 1995, Book's nephew, Donald Book, returned to Warroad to "discover his roots," with some of those original papers in hand.
There were four brothers in Donald's father's family. In 1903, Donald's father moved to Canada and became a homesteader. Two of the brothers went with him, and William Book was the only one who did not.
Donald Book now resides in Elbow, Saskatchewan, and traveled through both Roseau and Warroad on his way to a wedding last week. He said he had never been here, and wanted to see the land that his uncle and his father had owned in this area.
He spent two days in Roseau last week and also drove through Warroad before traveling on.
Book brought two of those papers with him on his journey. One was a Warroad Plaindealer dated Dec. 31, 1903, and the second one was also a Warroad Plaindealer dated July 9, 1908.
"Read about it in the Plaindealer," is the moto for the 1903 paper, and it looks quite a bit different than a present newspaper.
There are ads all along the left and right margins of the front page, and these ads make a frame for the three columns of type in the center. The first column on the left is reserved for "Domestic Doings."
There are a variety of things in the "Domestic Doings" column for the last day of 1903. It reminds its readers not to "forget to renew your resolutions," and A.E. Linder of Warroad had a "new milch cow" for sale. The paper also informs us that the same A.E. Linder "took some land-seekers to Rocky Point yesterday. He will remain to do some surveying."
The "Domestic Doings" column also tells the reader that "Norman Lewis went to Winnipeg on business yesterday. He is expected back today."
This column was also a social column of sorts. "Quite a number are in town from America and Cedarbend to attend the masquerade ball in Selvog's hall tonight." the paper also informed readers that "Hal Sonsting was up from Roseau with a load of wheat on Tuesday, and called at the Plaindealer office."
One of the ads on the front page is for The Big Store and says: "SUGAR! SUGAR! No, we are not provoked, we were only going to say that we have just received a Car-load of SUGAR."
Another ad later in the paper advertises that it is "Stove season!" The ad reads "This is the season of the year when the economy of heating the house is the leading question." An "Air-tight Heater" ran from $2.25 and up. Box stoves cost $4, and a "Cast Cook stove" cost a staggering $9.50.
Also, Oscar Kuntz, manager of The Warroad One Price Cash Store, advertises that "All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods, Same as Cash." The store's motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits."
The paper was published every Thursday at the time, and was the "Official paper of the Village of Warroad." A year's subscription cost $1.50.
The lead story in the 1908 edition of the Plaindealer was "What is socialism?" this article gives an in-depth explanation of what socialism is and what it calls for. This article was more than likely written in conjunction with the next story on the front page "Socialist County Ticket." This story announces who the Socialist Party will have as candidates in the upcoming county elections.
An ad in this issue advertises the amazing benefits of using Scott's Emulsion after having the flu. It reads: "Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like to call it, is one of the most weakening diseases known.
"Scotts' Emulsion, which is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily digested form, is the greatest strength-builder known to medical science.
"It is so easily digested that it sinks into the system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles.
"Use Scott's Emulsion after Influenza."
You can also rent a typewriter at an advertised rate of $2.50 per month.
Roseau County also had an as in this issue selling "300 Deeded Farms." The ad reads that Roseau County offers an opportunity to get "the finest land, in the best climate, nearest to market." It elaborates that Roseau County had "delightful summers, and winters where men work out of doors with comfort every day throughout the season. No Yellow Fever, no Poisonous Reptiles, no Malaria-laden water. No Cyclones, no violent Electrical storms, no Floods, no Drouths."