In August 2022 I was appointed the publisher of a group of three community newspapers, collectively known in Forum Communications Co. as the "Lakes Group." I hadn't been a full-time publisher in a number of years, but I saw an opportunity to return to working in the community newspaper space. And while the gig only lasted 10 months before an eventual company restructuring, it was one of the most rewarding professional stints I've ever had. Hats off the the staffs at the Detroit Lakes Tribune, Perham Focus and Wadena Pioneer Journal for welcoming this old newspaper hack for a great run!

Nov. 19, 2022
By Devlyn Brooks
As we approach Thanksgiving this year, let me extend a great big thank you to all of you who make it possible for our team to publish the Detroit Lakes Tribune, Perham Focus and Wadena Pioneer Journal each week.
They say that it is healthy to keep a “grateful” list as it reminds you that not all is doom and gloom these days. And so in the spirit of that practice, this is what I am grateful for as we celebrate Thanksgiving this year:
First, I am grateful for every reader we have of each of our publications, whether you are a lifetime subscriber or you peruse our website and social media channels on your phone over your lunch break. These days we publish to a lot of platforms, and we value every reader wherever you find our content. Thank you for continuing to subscribe, to check into the website and to share our content on your social media channels! We are grateful!
Second, I am grateful to every single advertiser who has supported us in this past year. We publish content in a variety of formats, including the printed newspapers, our websites, specials sections and more. But these products simply wouldn’t be possible without your support! Thank you for partnering with us so that we can continue to tell our communities’ stories and write the first drafts of our history!
Third, I am grateful to each and every person, business owner, civil servant and elected official who continues to allow us to tell your stories. A newspaper would be a very dry read without the people who work, live and play in our communities consenting to our interviews. And I’m aware of how busy we’ve all become so we don’t take it lightly that you continue to allow us into your homes, businesses, schools and places of worship to report on stories and take photos and videos. It takes trust to allow us to do our work, and we are grateful for every single person who has trusted us with their story this past year. Thank you!
Finally, I am grateful for the team that I get to work with at these community newspapers. I’ve mentioned it before, but this team is composed of some of the most dedicated, hard working, loyal and caring newspaper folks I’ve ever had the privilege of working with. I’ve mentioned this to some of the people I’ve met in my time as publisher, but it’s really not that common anymore to have this talented of a staff with this many years of experience at a community newspaper. I count myself lucky to get to call them my colleagues. Thank you team for showing up every day to produce such fine community newspapers!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in all of the communities we cover! It is a privilege to continue to serve you! And thank you for your continued support of your local, community newspaper!
Devlyn Brooks is the publisher of the Detroit Lakes Tribune, Perham Focus and Wadena Pioneer Journal, and their associated websites. He can be reached at or at 218-844-1451