In August 2022 I was appointed the publisher of a group of three community newspapers, collectively known in Forum Communications Co. as the "Lakes Group." I hadn't been a full-time publisher in a number of years, but I saw an opportunity to return to working in the community newspaper space. And while the gig only lasted 10 months before an eventual company restructuring, it was one of the most rewarding professional stints I've ever had. Hats off the the staffs at the Detroit Lakes Tribune, Perham Focus and Wadena Pioneer Journal for welcoming this old newspaper hack for a great run!

Feb. 15, 2023
By Devlyn Brooks
I believe that there is an integral relationship between law enforcement and the local media at play during an incident as critical and timely as the shooting that took place at the Lund Boat factory in New York Mills last Thursday.
It’s obviously law enforcement’s responsibility to assure the safety of the community, which all of the agencies involved demonstrated with aplomb last week.
And, it is the job of local media to communicate breaking news such as this shooting event in an accurate, clear and timely manner, which also contributes to public safety. I certainly am biased, but I also congratulate our entire team for their efforts to report the story quickly and accurately.
I believe that what took place over the course of the day last Thursday was an example of how the relationship between law enforcement and local media is supposed to play out.
Law enforcement from multiple agencies were quick to respond to the early morning incident, and not long after the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office was quick to disseminate the facts that the public needed to know. From then on, the Sheriff’s Office continued to feed us timely updates throughout the day until the complete set of details about the incident were known so that we could continue to perform our job as well.
I especially commend Otter Tail Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons and New York Mills Police Chief Bobby Berndt for taking the time to give us a five minute interview on the scene when I’m sure there were still a lot of details to tie up with the investigation. That interview was key to our coverage.
Three decades of working with local law enforcement at various community newspapers around the state has convinced me that the relationship need not be adversarial. In fact, when the local law enforcement and media have a healthy respect for each others’ responsibilities, it’s the community that wins.
Far too often, I think that Hollywood does all of us a disservice when it portrays bad blood between law enforcement and the media. When often that is far from the truth. The relationships I’ve had with local sheriffs, police chiefs and other law enforcement agencies have run the spectrum from cordial and businesslike to open and warm friendships. But I can’t remember a single time when the papers I worked for didn’t get along with the local law enforcement.
A community foundation is built on the mutual respect and understanding of its local institutions. Two of those institutions are law enforcement and the local media. I’m proud of our track record working with our local agencies, and it’s important to recognize them when we can.
So, here’s a tip o’ the cap to all of the local law enforcement who were involved in the shooting in New York Mills on Thursday. We appreciate you keeping us in the communication loop with as many details in a timely manner as possible throughout the day. I think the cooperation was a great win for public safety! Bravo!
Devlyn Brooks is the publisher of the Detroit Lakes Tribune, Perham Focus and Wadena Pioneer Journal, and their associated websites. He can be reached at or at 218-844-1451.