In August 2022 I was appointed the publisher of a group of three community newspapers, collectively known in Forum Communications Co. as the "Lakes Group." I hadn't been a full-time publisher in a number of years, but I saw an opportunity to return to working in the community newspaper space. And while the gig only lasted 10 months before an eventual company restructuring, it was one of the most rewarding professional stints I've ever had. Hats off the the staffs at the Detroit Lakes Tribune, Perham Focus and Wadena Pioneer Journal for welcoming this old newspaper hack for a great run!

Feb. 22, 2023
By Devlyn Brooks
This week readers of the Detroit Lakes Tribune and the Perham Focus will see two beautiful new special publications hit the streets.
The brand new Becker County Almanac for 2023 will be inserted in the Feb. 25 edition of the Tribune. And, the beautiful, full-color glossy magazine-style “Perham Progress” will be inserted into the Feb. 23 edition of the Focus. Both publications are a must-read!
Let’s start with the Almanac, which may sound like a brand new product in our special sections lineup. But, really you likely have seen the Almanac before in its previous life when we called it the “Guide to Becker County.”
The Almanac is a community resource guide that serves not only the residents of Detroit Lakes, but also people all throughout the county, by packaging everything one needs to know about public and private services all throughout Becker County. Sound familiar now? … I thought so!
In the Almanac, you’ll find information about emergency services; about your state, county, township, city and school governments; about the county’s medical facilities, churches and area nonprofits; and even helpful information about area dining and entertainment opportunities.
Essentially, if you are a resident of Becker County, you shouldn’t be without this very informative publication. Check it out in this Saturday’s edition of the Tribune, or pick one up where you find other important Tribune special sections!
‘Perham Progress’
The “Perham Progress” edition also is an annual glossy magazine that we publish to celebrate the business sector in Perham. Each year we choose a theme that guides our story selection for the publication, and this year’s theme is “All about family: The family businesses that keep Perham bustling.”
As magazine Editor Tris Anderson wrote in the introduction: “In this magazine, you’ll learn about small, family-owned businesses that have been around for decades, and their journey to becoming a community staple. In other stories, you’ll learn about new small business owners working to build their own legacy in the community.”
Trust me, you’ll want to read the collection of six stories that feature the owners of Char-Mac Resort, T.A. Gould Jeweler, Hamann Family Dentistry, Lakes Ace Hardware, Goose Group Inc. and Lakeland Veterinary Clinic. Each story is the testament to the character, dedication and perseverance that it takes to be a small business owner!
As always, I want to use this platform to issue a couple of thank yous!
First, a thank you to our sales and news teams that worked tirelessly to bring you both of these publications. These publications are worth your time because of the hard work these folks put into them. Thank you team for your continued hard work and dedication!
Second, thank you to the business owners who allowed us some of their precious time so that we could interview them for the stories in the “Perham Progress,” and the many people who helped answer questions about their services so that we could update the Almanac with the freshest information possible. We could not have published these magazines without all of you!
Finally, a huge thanks to all of the advertisers who supported both magazines. I’ve said it before, but it’s true, without your support none of these projects get done! It takes what you’ve invested in these special sections to allow us to tell these wonderful stories! Thank you again for your continued support and investment in our work. We are very grateful!
Devlyn Brooks is the publisher of the Detroit Lakes Tribune, Perham Focus and Wadena Pioneer Journal, and their associated websites. He can be reached at or at 218-844-1451