EDITOR'S NOTE: In June 2004 I began a new venture as managing editor of both Northfield News and Faribault Daily News. This column originally appeared in the Northfield News on Feb. 17, 2006.
You know what they say about assumptions, but in my modest opinion, I believe that most of us on the writing side of the newspaper industry got into the business to make a difference. Most reporters I've run into got started because of a simple belief that what they do matters ... to someone, and that by telling the stories we do, we can improve the world. his week the Northfield News put the finishing touches on our annual "Portraits" edition and it will be coming out next week. Once again, I must admit that the people who reside here in town are endlessly amazing. For those who aren't familiar with it, Portraits is a special compilation we do once a year and its designed to feature profiles of some of the fascinating people who call Northfield home. As you can imagine, there is an endless number of local residents who could be featured in this publication, and as always, it was difficult to winnow down our choices for this year. But now that the publication is to the printer, I must confess that although it is a challenging project on which to work each year, there is no project that brings me greater satisfaction when it is done. In the hustle and bustle of an average week of news, we often don't have the luxury of sitting down with local people for an extended one-on-one interview. Portraits allows us to do that and it gives our reporters the opportunity to talk with some of the community's intriguing people, find out who they are away from work or away from the organization for which they volunteer. We get inside looks at who they are at home, during their spare time. We get to see the interaction they have with family members and what makes them tick as human beings. It is an awesome opportunity. As I am every year, I was humbled after reading the stories that our reporters produced. The people they interviewed were fascinating, but the common theme was that they are a very active bunch, who make their mark on Northfield in a variety ways. These people, as a collective bunch, not only make a difference in Northfield because of the work they do, but also through how they volunteer, and by being integral members of the community. Take for instance Brett Reese, a local business and property owner and entrepreneur who has his fingers in much of Northfield's business community. But do you know that he has a passion for collecting things related to Northfield's history? Or for instance, take local teenager Chelsea Sektnan, who technically is a senior at Northfield High School, but is enrolled full-time at Normandale Community College and will be attending the University of Missouri's Columbia School of Journalism. Sektnan, who already has been very involved in a number of local humanitarian efforts, wants to go into the field of photojournalism to use her skills as a photographer to change the world. And finally, how about story about Northfield's Amerman family. Jeff Amerman, a well-known figure in the community, died a year ago during a cross-country ski trip with his wife, Nancy. Nancy and the three Amerman children allowed us to interview them and see how they've gotten through the past year, and we can't thank them enough for sharing their story with us and the community. As you will see in coming months, especially through the effort to build a pavilion at Northfield's soccer complex and name it in Jeff's honor, that this man left a legacy when he died last year. The courage his family has shown is remarkable. And these stories are just the tip of iceberg. There are other wonderful and unforgettable stories that our reporters had access to for this year's Portraits edition. We can't thank the people whom were interviewed for Portraits enough. It takes a leap of faith to allow a reporter into your personal life, and we take that trust seriously. And that is why as a newsroom, the Portraits edition means so much to us. We hope News readers are as excited about this upcoming Portraits edition as we are. It will publish in the Feb. 25 edition of the News, and it also will be available here at the office. This year's Portraits may be wrapped up, but I guarantee you that the stories have made a lasting impression on me, and I hope that after you've read the section, you feel the same way. -- Devlyn Brooks is managing editor of the Northfield News.