Even as a pastor, I freely admit some days it's harder than others to feel that all of creation is "good," as God himself says in Geneis 1:25.
Hey, we're all human, and thus we experience this world in very human ways. ... As the old adage goes: We are not physical beings living in a spiritual world, but rather spiritual beings living in a physical world. ... And Lordy be, this human world can be messy.
So, if we are not careful, we can easily allow the human messines to defeat us and pull us down into perpetual states of worry and anxiety.
Full disclosure: Our family is going through multiple seasons of transition right now, some of which will alter our family's future in critical ways. ... And I would be lying if I told you that I've been managing it all as if it were a Sunday walk in the park. Because I haven't. ... Hey, I'm just as prone to some anxiety and sleeplessness as everyone else. Despite all of the continually running prayer I've been conducting in recent months.
So, as a daily exercise, I have been attempting to look around to see where God is present in the world around me, just hoping to find those moments that prove that the Holy Spirit is indeed active and influential in this human world.
It is this practice of finding hope that I am trusting to pull me through on the most difficult of the days where I don't feel like I have the answers to quell my fears.
This morning, after I dropped our daughter off at school, I was headed into work when I found myself parked at a red light with a car in front me that had a message written on the back window: "I hope something good happens to you today."
"What a kind and thoughtful message," I thought to myself, as I sat there waiting for another anxious day to begin.
It lightened my heart and brough me great joy to think that the driver in front of me has taken it upon themselves to use their vehicle in a very loving and compassionate way. Withe their slight modification, their vehicle is no longer just a mode of transportation, but rather it is a unique vehicle to spread kindness.
What is wonderful is that they are intentionally engaging in an act of loving their neighbor. All of their neighbors, in fact! ... Because who can control who sits in the car behind us? No one! ... How cool is that! ♥♥♥
The moment this morning reminded me of a very inspirational verse from the Gospel of John: "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” (John 9:5)
So, as we await Jesus' return to this earthly realm, it is up to us to be that light for him. And, as we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus right here on earth, sometimes it doesn't take a lot of effort to blast a bit of sunshine into the world.
In fact, it can be as easy as applying a lovely and kind message to the back of your car. ... Amen.