In my short time here, I’ve found that one of the great privileges of serving as the CEO of Churches United are the invitations to preach and raise awareness about our mission at other faith communities throughout the region.
Within the past couple of weeks I’ve been invited to conduct a Bible study to a group of 40 or so Lutheran women at their annual conference gathering, invited to preach at a worship service at an area rural Moravian church, and invited to set up a fundraising booth at the open house celebrating the completion of a large construction project at a Lutheran church in Moorhead.
Future invitations have me performing “An Evening of Faith” storytelling show with my partner, musician Todd Holdman, at a Presbyterian church in LaMoure, N.D. and preaching at another Presbyterian church here in Fargo.
What a joy to get the opportunity to learn more about our larger faith family through these invitations!
More importantly though, is how inspiring it is that so many area faith communities want to know more about the ministry that takes place at Churches United!
The message I hear loud and clear from our larger faith community every day is there is no disagreement that clothing the naked, feeding the hungry and placing a shelter over our neighbors is the actual gospel as Jesus practiced it.
Faith Family … if I know anything about the gospel, it’s that Jesus didn’t draw distinctions when it came to caring for all those he encountered. He simply healed, fed and comforted all. … And then he commanded us to do the same: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
That’s exactly what takes place on a daily basis here at Churches United, whether that be at our emergency shelter, our food pantry or our supportive housing apartments. … We love our neighbors.
God loves infinitely, graciously and abundantly. There is never a shortage of … well, anything … in God’s kingdom. And God teaches us that rather than hoarding our time, talents and treasures, that there is enough abundance for all to be cared for.
That is the message that I take on the road with me to faith communities that invites me to share about the ministry taking place at Churches United.

I was recently reminded in a daily devotional that: “In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus doesn’t teach a list of beliefs to be memorized and recited. Instead, he teaches a way of life that culminates in a call to revolutionary love.”
It is my sincere prayer that once you hear more about the inspirational work that takes place every single day at Churches United that you would recognize it as the revolutionary love similar to what Jesus practiced.
Regardless of our individual religious beliefs -- including those of other religions or even of those who don’t practice a faith -- basic human compassion should compel us to focus on those most vulnerable in society. And that is an apt description of many who turn to Churches United for help with safety, shelter, food or healing. Our dedicated team is admirably serving our most vulnerable neighbors every single day.
The same devotion I mentioned earlier finished with this question: “Are you a believer who puts your distinct beliefs first, or are you a person of faith who puts love first?”
If you can answer the latter in the affirmative, Churches United could use you to show a little revolutionary love in support of your most vulnerable neighbors as the timing’s never been more critical.
And friends … I’d be grateful to be invited to visit your faith community to share the inspiring work our compassionate team at Churches United does every single day. Blessings to you, and thank you for the consideration!