"But Jesus looked at them and said, “For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
Undoubtedly, professional sports can bring a mesaure of joy to our lives for a variety of reasons.
The celebration of human athleticism, the common bond forged by the fans of particular players and teams, the moment of sheer awe when something so unexpected ... so spectacular ... happens on the court/field/ice that it seems other wordly ... simply unreal.
But right now, for my money, the best feel-good sports story running ... is the story of the boy next door Tommy DeVito, newly annointed starting quarterback of the NY Giants, a professional football team in the National Football League.
Regardless of what you know about the sport of American football, DeVito's story is the stuff of movies. ... And, I tell you what, if someone ain't already jumping on this for a major Hollywood studio, than they're missing the boat. ... In fact, it feels just right for that Disney sports movie treatment that is so familiar and appealing.
Think of favorites like "Cool Runnings," "Miracle," "The Rookie" and "Remember the Titans." ... All sports movies that were based on true stories, and reminded us about all the good sports can do for humanity. ... DeVito's story has that vibe.
In case you haven't already heard of DeVito, whose become an internet sensation over the past month, here's a quick primer:
DeVito entered the season with the Giants as an undrafted rookie and the third string back-up quarterback for what would become a struggling football team. However, on Nov. 5, the team's starting QB, Daniel Jones, was injured, and freakishly, the team's backup QB, Tyrod Taylor, had been injured the previous week.
That meant that on Nov. 12, when the Giants played division rival the Dallas Cowboys, this never-heard-of signal caller who had started only 15 games in all four years of college football at Syracuse, got the nod to start under center.
Spoiler: DeVito and the Giants got walloped 49-17.
However, since then, DeVito has triumphantly led the Giants to three consecutive victories to bring the Giants' record to an improbable 5-8 and right on the cup of being a playoff eligible team.
Meanwhile, he's taken the Giants fanbase, the state of New Jersey and the internet by storm! ... People love him for so many reasons! And it's just a hoot to watch this DeVito train keep rolling!
And, of course, the story only gets better from there!
DeVito, who is Italian-American -- of course he is! -- lives with his parents in his childhood home where he grew up and played high school football just a few miles from the glitzy MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. His agent, Sean Stellato, can be seen walking around in a black, pinstripe suit, over a matching black turtleneck and matching black fedora! ... Because, of course, that's what he'd wear!
At press conferences, the aw-shucks DeVito -- who looks like he was plucked straight from central casting -- wears a blank tank top and a diamond-encrusted "TD" chain. And recently, after he disclosed in an interview that he eats his ma's homemade chicken cutlet for dinner, the meal kind of took on a life of its own. ... And now ... now he's known as "Tommy Cutlet" to his adoring hometown fans!
Seriously, can this story get any better!
Look, I have my own concerns about professional sports, including the recent obscene $700 million pay day to Major League Baseball star Shohei Ohtani; the life-altering injuries; the devastating aftermath of what's left of many athletes once their playing days are done; the institutinalized racism, and the culture of greed, violence and excess that pro sports breed. ... But all of those issues, and many more negative facets of pro sports, are discussions for another day.
And, admittedly, I have no idea whether DeVito is one who considers himself with faith or not. So, I can't assume that he gives any credit to God's for this incredible athletic run of his.
Regardless, setting all of that aside, the "Tommy Cutlets" story is an example of the stories that take place in this world that produce untold joy. Who doesn't want to root for this kid? Who doesn't see a little bit of "Tommy Cutlets" in themselves? ... He is the Every Day Joe ... the kid next door ... Joe Six Pack ... whom we want to see defy the odds!
My faith tells me that somewhere in his story, the Holy Spirit is in there providing a helping hand.
And if nothing else, then there is the gift of Tommy's story, for which we can credit our creator, because: "Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." (James 1:17)