By Pastor Devlyn Brooks
It’s easy to begin to take for granted the things that you are used to, isn’t it?
The things you see regularly, even if they are extraordinary, can become unseen if you witness them up close for too long. … It’s human nature, I guess.
But a member of the Prairie Doves musical group on Sunday reminded me that, frankly, we do have a lot of extraordinary things happening at Faith Lutheran Church nowadays. And it’s absolutely worth taking a moment to recognize that.
Just recently, we held our annual Faith Women’s Fall Auction; we sent four students to the synod’s fall Middle School Retreat; our Sunday school hosted two movie nights; we held a blood drive in which 19 people volunteered to give; we had two Sunday meals provided by our LYO families; the youth held their fundraising pie auction; and our women hosted their annual Thankoffering service that included the very talented Prairie Doves.
And Faith Family, that was all just in the past few weeks!
Now, think of all that we did all last summer; way too much to begin jotting it all down here. But one thing especially worth noting is the new friends we made in The Red Silo, and how that relationship continues to grow with the mutual goal of supporting the community.
Now, also think about the fact that we have a committed group of people who are diligently exploring how we add the appropriate technical equipment to our church so that we can begin again to reach people through digital means and enhance our musical ministry as well.
Finally, also remember that we’ve already had the joy of witnessing two baptisms this fall, with another on the way during the week of Christmas. We’ve had a new member join us, and declare that she is calling Faith Lutheran her faith home. And we have an upcoming wedding too!
Whew! … Ok, let’s take a breath!
Faith Family, it was a little over year ago that our Church Council voted to participate in the synod’s Rural Revival initiative. And about nine months ago, 10 people raised their hand to say that they’d be part of a vital group called “Faith Forward,” a Church Council-endorsed committee to look at how to continue to broaden our church’s mission both inside and outside of our doors.
Last Sunday, the member of the Prairie Doves who said we had a lot going on, was correct! … By all accounts, Faith Family, I’d say that we’re experiencing the revitalization that was our intended goal last year!
However, when you’re close to it, when you see it on a regular basis, vitality can feel so … normal.
Faith Family, I can tell you though that there are a lot of churches who would covet the place that we are in!
And while it takes a lot of hard work and commitment to keep success happening, it also is important to step back once in a while and say, “Yeah, we’ve got something special going on, and it’s good!”
Friends, we have something special going on at Faith Lutheran, and it took some special guest musicians to help me remember that. I dearly pray that you all think so too!
Blessings to you this December, Faith Family! ... See you in church!