In my faith world we talk about generosity in terms of stewardship, which can be expressed in three distinct ways: time, talents and treasure.
If you attend a faith community you’ve probably heard this pitch before.
The church/temple/chapel -- whatever you call your faith community -- not only needs your financial support, but it also needs your time and talents.
This message is crafted to welcome anyone with the heart to give a distinct path to do so. It recognizes that not everyone has the financial means to make a gift at this time. And so it encourages those in that position who still want to give a road to do so: Well, maybe then you could give of your time or provide a particular skill in service to your neighbor!
Our pitch at Churches United here is the same.
However, we’re also aware that many folks also are living on tight budgets these days, just as we are. But they are still looking for ways to contribute. And we are just as grateful for you all as well.
That is where the time and talents come in.
It’s no surprise that our team is much smaller than it once was. That’s been well documented over the past couple of months. And so to continue to care for the dozens of people who come to our facility for shelter and the hundreds more that come through for meals, we could use some help.
As you can imagine, finding the hands and feet to work a kitchen seven days a week is no small task, and we’re always looking for those willing to lend a hand to serve their neighbor in that capacity. Or maybe you could help assist a shopper who may face a language barrier shop at our food pantry.
Or, maybe you have a specific talent that would be useful around our facilities as well. I shared a story recently with a group of people asking how they might get involved. Since we’ve decreased the size of our staff, we’ve been lacking people with computer skills who can assist with the work it takes to process incoming guests at our food pantry, necessary work for documentation for our key food partners.
And thankfully, we found someone willing to perform that service!
So, please don’t think whatever talents you may have would go to waste!
For those interested in serving, please check out our website at churches-united.org and click on the “Get Involved” tab in the upper right hand corner, and then click on "Volunteer." This is the quickest way to get in touch with our outreach staff, and to get signed up to serve your neighbors.
Additionally, under the same tab on our website, you’ll see another button called “Current Needs.” That page lists all of the critical supplies that our facilities need to continue to operate, and maybe there is a way for you to support Churches United through donated items as well.
Friends … here at Churches United we know that it literally takes a village to care for the hundreds of guests receiving our services. Please know that if you have the time, talent or treasure and a desire to help out your neighbor, we will gratefully find a way for you to serve!
Blessings to all for your continued support of this critical mission in our community!