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Finding Faith ... in our Lenten march toward Holy Week

By Pastor Devlyn Brooks

Dear Faith Family …

March is shaping up to be quite a busy month, including an important congressional meeting, wonderful Lenten Wednesday services and Holy Week capping it all off at the end of the month.

So let’s cover some of the important updates …

Lenten Wednesdays

If you have not yet been able to join us for a Lenten Wednesday this year, please consider joining us in one of the upcoming weeks. 

We’ve shook things up a bit this year, and we are working through a teaching series on Moses during our Wednesday night worships. In the first two weeks we covered how Moses was miraculously saved as a baby thanks to the dedication of five courageous women, and in the second week we covered God’s calling of Moses to be the leader of the Israelites despite his imperfections. It’s been a fun and informative series so far! 

In addition, we start each Lenten Wednesday evening with a family style meal being served by our LYO families at 6 p.m. Come as you are, and join other members of our Faith Family for dinner and midweek fellowship before we head up to worship at 6:45 p.m.

There is something special about being able to gather together as a Faith Family in the middle the of week, break bread and share about our lives with others in our church. It brings a different feel than a Sunday service, and so if you haven’t attended a Lenten service yet, please come out and give it a try! 

Rural Revival program

Please keep Sunday, March 17, on your calendar as it will be the next important step in our involvement in the Northwestern Minnesota Synod’s “Rural Revival” program, and it will be a Sunday you will not want to miss.

Pastor Melissa Pickering from the “Rural “Revival” program, who has been working alongside the FLC congregation to discuss what our future here may look like, will be back among us again that Sunday to preside over service.

In addition, we will be treated to special music from Todd Holdman and his band. And if you’ve been in attendance any of the times that Todd’s group has played at Faith Lutheran, you know that it is appointment worship all by itself!

Finally, after the service, our Faith Lutheran Men’s Group will be serving a ham and scalloped potato dinner, while Pastor Melissa shares a final report of her findings from the past four months that she’s been working with our congregation.

This important chapter in this process should give us information on which to dwell. Please come on Sunday, March 17, and be a part of this important day as we wrap up the information gathering phase of this process.

And please tell your friends! The more of our Faith Family that we have in attendance, the more impactful this Sunday will be!

Holy Week 2024!

Our Holy Week will begin with Psalm Sunday service on March 24, and our Faith Lutheran Sunday schoolers will again be participating in our worship with the parade of palm fronds, which is always an uplifting sight!

We will again have service on Maundy Thursday, March 28, and the best part is that there will be another First Communion student partaking in this wonderful life milestone this year. So please come out to celebrate with Anton Smeby as he joins our Faith Family in the miracle of the Eucharist!

And then in the highlight of the week,  we will celebrate Easter at 8 a.m. Sunday, March 31, with the LYO group serving a delicious brunch afterward.

Come see our beautiful church dressed up in its Easter splendor! And stay for the food and fellowship after! Praise God! He is risen! He is risen indeed!

So, as you can see, we’ve got a busy month in March! And what a great time to be church together!

Blessings to you this February, Faith Family! … See you in church!


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