Today I attended the funeral of my oldest friend's mother-in-law.
Even though we met as freshmen in college some 28 years ago, we remain friends and the times we get together seem more meaningful and more spirit-filled everyone time we are together. It's as if the older we get the better our friendship becomes.
Today wasn't a celebration by any means. My friend's mother-in-law, which of course makes her my oldest friend's wife's mom, died too young. Only 79. ... But what makes today special is that the three of us have been together since we were kids. I watched their budding romance grow as they turned from high schoolers in puppy love to serious college romantics, and eventually into husband and wife. ... And now, some three decades, six kids, three marriages and many household moves later, our friendship not only holds on, it thrives.
We, of course, don't see each other as often. Some two-plus hours of drive time separates us. And we don't communicate regularly by phone or email. There's the pithy exchange on each other's facebook posts once in a while, and a Christmas card here and there. But life seems too busy for all of us these days to get together.
This past summer it worked out that we were able to get together for one glorious night during the Fourth of July celebration in the town where the three of us both attended college. And making the event even sweeter is that my now wife, Shelley, went to high with the two of them. (That's a longer explanation better meant for another post!)
But even despite the circumstances, today's visit was sweet. ... I miss those two friends terribly, and so to be able to spend a couple of hours with them even under sad circumstances was beautiful. My friend, when he could be, was just as witty and sardonic as he could be. And his wife was as sweet and kind and loving as she always has been. And we made the best of it.
I was happy to have the time with them, and it made me think on the way home how beautiful and holy old friendships are. I am so grateful for them. I am so blessed by them. And I'm blessed that being my wife also knows them that we have a new chapter in our friendship blossoming.
Each of our kids is close to graduating. Our youngest daughter is about half way done with sixth grade. That means that in five and a half years I hope that the four of us have more time together. We all love music concerts. Maybe we'll be able to reconnect over our shared love of music concerts. ... I hope, and I guess we'll see.
But I'm betting on this friendship, and that's why today I found faith in old friendships. ... Amen.