By Pastor Devlyn Brooks
Wow, what a first half to our traditional programming year we have had Faith Family! It’s unimaginable that we’re now facing down a brand new calendar year! … And so I pray that you were able fit in some down time during the Christmas season.
I also pray that you return from the season energized and refreshed as well! … Because we need recharged leaders!
Unfortunately to many, the turn of the calendar year marks a slow progression toward less and less activity in the church, but I don’t believe it’s time to hit the snooze button on the excitement that we have generated over the past five months.
Our Sunday School and confirmation classes are just getting started, and in conjunction with our LYO, will stay busy with activities every month at Faith Lutheran. You can especially look forward to the LYO’s annual brunch that it serves after the Easter Sunday service.
From a liturgical standpoint, we will be moving into the critically important period of Lent on March 5, with Easter culminating in this important time in our church calendar on Sunday, April 20.
And then there is the work of our Faith Forward committee, which I would encourage you to take an interest in.
I mentioned in last month’s newsletter all of the many wonderful activities and events that were spawned in the first half of our programming year thanks to the work of this important committee. Many things that helped contribute to a feeling of vibrancy in our church, and were shouldered by a small group of committed members here at Faith Lutheran.
So, as we turn the midpoint in our programming year, I ask what next, Faith Family?
What will we focus on so that we continue to build the momentum that we all felt in the first half of the year? What things might we plan with our partners vested in this work, such as the City of Wolverton, or others in the community?
Looking a little farther out, what do we want our summer worships to look like this year?
Are there new wrinkles that would interest others in joining us on Wednesday nights? Are there opportunities to involve other entities into these special Wednesday night services that give them a different flare in our fourth year of this initiative? After all, it’s never too early to start planning what summer will look like! It’ll be here before we know it.
Finally, let me put a plug in for participating on our Faith Forward committee. We’ve had a steady participation of about 10 volunteers, with several being FLC Council members and myself since we launched the effort about 11 months ago.
But, as you can imagine, to plan and execute the wide variety of missions, events and activities that we’ve been hosting over the past year, requires the hands and feet of many. And so we need others.
There is no formal commitment to join the Faith Forward committee. No terms to lock you in, and you will enjoy the freedom of participating in the things that you are most passionate about. This is not a conscription in which you will be responsible to help with everything.
However, I know the busy lives we all live now, and I also know that those carrying the banner of the Faith Forward committee this past year would certainly welcome your ideas, your support and your participation. After all, it takes an entire congregation to keep the momentum going. Please prayerfully consider joining the effort! Thank you!
Blessings to you this January, Faith Family! ... See you in church!