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Finding Faith ... in learning to love a "Living Lutheran's" website as well

It seems that no corner of our faith life, nor our ministries, is safe from adaptation, which rationally we Lutherans should see as a good thing since our faith tradition literally was borne of the Reformation some 500-plus years ago!

But man, oh man, don't the changes to the things we love most sting a little bit? ... Maybe a lot of bit?

I'm feeling more empathic today for those faithful who long for the days of regular Sunday worship attendance, big classes of busy Sunday schoolers, glamorously adorned church choirs and vibrant Wednesday night faith formation groups.


Because this weekend I finally made the time to sit down with my most current edition of "Living Lutheran" magazine, which is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's primary organizational periodical. As some may know, "Living Lutheran" was formerly named "The Lutheran," which was created when several Lutheran denominations merged in 1988 to become the current ELCA.

The magazine contains stories of faith all about the people, churches and initiatives all across the Lutheran land, from one corner of America to another. And, in my humble opinion, keeps an excellent pulse on the state of all things Lutheran, even giving room for readers to vent their displeasures about stories in the magazine and even issues in the church.

So, if you're unfamiliar with the magazine, think of it really as the ELCA's newspaper for an appropriate analogy. And if you are of another faith denomination, I'm betting your faith tradition has a similar publication that shares news and feature stories about people and places.

Now, given that I've been a newspaper professional for 30 years, going all the way back to my first weekly newspaper gig in 1994, and I've been a clergy member since 2017, you can imagine how passionate I've become about the "Living Lutheran" magazine! ... It literally combined my two great professional passions in one publication!

Writing and Lutheranism! What a combination! ... I mean how was this not a coveted magazine in every home each month that it arrived!?!?!

So, imagine my surprise this weekend when it dawned on me that I was holding my very last new physical copy of "Living Lutheran" magazine ... forever!

That's right, much like so many other printed publications, the magazine's leadership last year made the decision to discontinue the printing of a monthly magazine in favor of concentrating the staff's efforts on their website of the same name

Despite its magnificent readership, today's production climate finally caught up with the leaders at "Living Lutheran," as they have with so many other venerable printed publications. And in March 2023, Living Lutheran Editor Andrea Pohlmann Kulik announced that because of rising printing costs -- including paper, ink and postage -- the magazine was discontinuing print at year's end, and going to living entirely online on its website.

I was aware of this decision months ago, but like most of us, if the information isn't immediately relevant, we file it away in the deep recesses of our brain for recall at a more appropriate time. And that time arrived this past weekend.

The editor's last column was about this being the last printed version of "Living Lutheran," and there was a lovingly crafted multi-page spread that highlighted developments regarding Lutheran publications going back to the early 1800s. It was a fascinating look at how the Lutheran periodical landscape, once filled with multiple publications, eventually dwindled down to just the one ... "Living Lutheran."

As I progressed through the magazine, I already began to lament the loss of something that I was so fond of. ... Yes, I will follow "Living Lutheran" online, as I have other news publications that I regularly read. But I will do so begrudgingly because I don't want to the miss the content the magazine's talent staff publishes.

Call this my "Get-off-my-lawn" moment, but I just want to register for the historical record that I already miss the printed "Living Lutheran" magazine, and it's only been gone a month! ... There, I feel better. ... As you know, confession is good for the soul!

As I progressed through these feelings the past few days, it's made me think about so many other faithful people I see struggling with the changes that are taking place. ... Some voluntarily, and others not so voluntarily.

I know that there ardent faithful who miss the days when church attendance was a societal obligation. There are others that lament the more casual feel developing in worship services. And still others who bemoan the fact that we have to cater to those who wish to participate only through worships online.

Changes to worship styles; confirmation requirements, the diminishing number of printed church newsletters, decreased faithful financial giving. ... The list of changes our faith traditions are undergoing is very, very long. And each change saddens someone, and makes them long for the worshiping days of old.

But, take heart, Faith Family! ... While there are changes taking place that we may wish weren't, what else is true, is that the church is always changing. And the truth is that it has been since the days that Jesus walked among us. After all, just look at the change the Jews who followed Jesus had to undergo! ... After all of those centuries, the Messiah was there in the flesh, walking among them! ... And, as we can see in the Bible, Jesus' very presence upset a lot of apple carts!

Do I like the fact that we are moving away from a print-based reading society? ... Not in the least. But do I understand the practical reasons why and the financial pressures that are forcing these business decisions. ... Yes, of course.

Like so many other faithful people who are learning to adapt to church in new ways, I will learn to love the website as much as I did the print "Living Lutheran" magazine.

Well, almost! ... Amen.


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