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Finding Faith ... in finding the absolute greatest "catch" of my life!

Shel ... You are and will be my greatest "catch" ever!

Dear Shel ...

Happy birthday my love!

I hope that you receive all the love and kind messages that you deserve today! ... Even if I have to prompt some of the kiddos to do so!

Could it be that another year already has passed? Seems like it's all happened in a blur!

I don't tell you this enough, but I am the luckiest husband this side of the bait shop!

On one of our excursions in Unit 1, our canoe.

I couldn't ask for a better adventuring partner, whether it be taking out the ol' Unit 1 for a hop on a nearby lake, or an adventure to some deep Southern city we've never been too, or a two-day music festival escapade that finds you sleeping in a teepee in the woods and on the doorstep of a complete stranger having not slept nor showered in 48 hours.

Seriously, looking back at the adventures we've embarked on over the past 12 years just makes me want to do them all over again! Plus find a million new ones!

One of the things I know I don't do enough of is telling you the things I appreciate about you, going beyond the everyday appreciation of all the thankless work you do take care of our family.

So, in honor of your birthday this year, here are the 39(!) things I most appreciate about you! .... Just kidding, but I'll give you some of the most important ones!

So ... here we go. Thank you for ...

Shelley starring as a Russian police inspector in a church youth group mystery theater dinner.
  • Always being up for the crazy life we lead. I know that having raised four active kids hasn't left a lot of time for just us these past 12 years. So I am grateful that you've chosen to jump into this with both feet with me! And now what an awesome crew we are fortunate to call our family! ... Thank you!

  • For being a good sport in all the things you get called into thanks to being a pastor's spouse. I know when I signed on for seminary eight years ago you didn't think you'd find yourself dressed up as a Russian police inspector in a mystery dinner theater fundraiser for our youth group, but here you are ... killin' it! ... Thank you!

  • Your support of this ministry itself! ... When I said, "Hey, we're going to kickoff a digital ministry to help spread the message of God's love!" ... you could've said, "Nope." ... But instead, you were the first to say, "Oh, yeah. Let's do it!" ... And here we are growing something that hopefully will lead more people to hearing the words: "God loves you, and you are enough!" ... Thank you!

  • Bringing joy to my life! ... I've never met anyone funnier and with a quirkier sense of humor than you, my Sweets! ... While I admit that most days I'm not sure how you'll make me laugh, I absolutely know that you will! And I am grateful for that! ... Thank you!

  • Welcoming into our life some of the zaniest rescue fur balls to have ever been adopted! ... I know that each and every time I come to you with another online bio of a dog that needs a loving forever home, you must think, "WHAT are we doing?" ... But, you've made room in your heart for all of them! And you've changed their lives forever! ... Thank you!

  • Being open to adventure. Thinking back at the places we've been and the miles we've logged is like looking back on a wonderful rom-com highlight reel. The food, the new beers, the times you've tipped me in a canoe, you holding on for dear life on the cliffs of a Rockies turnback, to watching me almost soil myself atop an oceanside lighthouse. ... Just so awesome! And it happens because you're up for any adventure! ... Thank you!

  • Allowing me to hold onto my vintage mid-century modern couch that you hate, but you know that I love! And for being all in to creating a basement that looks like it walked right out of the postwar era! ... Thank you!

  • Saying yes when I said during the pandemic, "Well, let's build a backyard patio," and then yes again when that was complete, and I said, "Well, let's build a campfire patio on the other side of yard!" ... I'm sure you were plotting my demise during much of that time, but we eventually finished both! And you allowed me to live! Now look what we enjoy! ... Thank you!

  • Sticking with this ride every single day you wake up, despite all of the ups and downs and times that have looked like we were never going to emerge from the storm. I am so fortunate to be with someone who is so darned committed to building a lasting family for the ages. I simply cannot imagine this life with anyone else! ... Thank you!

So there you have it my love! ... Ten reasons why I want to say thank you on your birthday.

I could go on for another 29 to celebrate your age (wink! wink!), but I know you don't have all night to read them. ... After all, you have kids to chase after and dogs to love up and a husband who won't be home until late. So, let me just say thank you one more time ... for making this life together so special!

There won't be any big hoopla for your birthday this year, but please know that I'll be remembering all of 12 years of escapes all day long, smiling all the while. ... And I'll listing off even more reasons that I am thankful for you in my head until I can get home to see you!

Happy birthday, Shel! ... You are my greatest adventure ever! ... And you will forever be the queen of my castle!

Love ... Dubs

At our "Happy Place!"


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