EDITOR'S NOTE: In October 2021 I began a new venture writing a newspaper column titled "Finding Faith" for the Forum Communications Co. network of newspapers and websites. I was asked to contribute to the company's ongoing conversation about faith, lending a Lutheran and fairly ecumenical approach to the discussion. The column was published in several of the company's papers and websites, including The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead. This column originally appeared as a "Finding Faith" column on Dec. 8, 2023.
By The Rev. Devlyn Brooks
“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
I encounter a lot of weary people, and many more who are carrying heavy burdens, nowadays in my pastoring. The reasons are many and varied, but the results are the same: Folks are stressed, anxious and their mental health is battered.
I’m not the only one noticing. Friends who are parents, and colleagues in ministry, in the school systems, in health care and even in the business world tell me that people they treat, serve or work with people who are simply frayed at the edges … or even worse.
Our own family too is living through several seasons of transition that are layered atop each other, and the effect leaves my spouse and I gassed by the end of the week. Nowadays on Friday nights, we cocoon at home, retreating for a time from the world before weekend obligations take over our lives again on Saturdays.
We collectively are a pressurized society. And unfortunately, now we find ourselves in the holiday season, a time which can force faux joy on us, while doubling the expectations on us.
So, today, my gift to you is a prayer: I pray that you find three things: peace, solitude and rest somewhere in your days. Even if it’s for brief moments, just make it an intentional practice to seek out some time for your own mental health.
As Matthew 11:28-30 states, I find these things in my daily prayer practices, on my nightly walk with our dogs around the neighborhood and some focused time on a treadmill, all activities during which I have a running conversation with God. It never fails to refresh me and give me the hope for another day.
We face a lot of stimuli daily in this modern age, and sometimes it’s necessary to pull back to find time to engage with the Creator. But the world isn’t going to freely give it to you. So please fight for it yourself.
And if you find that I am not of the same faith persuasion as you, that’s OK! … My prayer still stands that you find peace, solitude and rest somewhere, whether that be in your own faith practices, exercise routines or contemplative prayers. … I pray for your piece of mind regardless!
Finally, if you find that your mental health struggles are beyond your abilities to manage, please seek assistance from a loved one, friend, professional, clergy member or another trusted person. You are beautiful and important to this world! And this earth needs you! … Amen.
Devlyn Brooks is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and serves Faith Lutheran Church in Wolverton, Minn. He also works for Forum Communications Co. He can be reached at devlynbrooks@gmail.com for comments and story ideas.