By The Rev. Devlyn Brooks
Given the spirit of the season, might I interest you in casting a fairly non-controversial vote? … A vote for the Holy Spirit?
Let me explain: This week marks the third anniversary of the Finding Faith newspaper column.
Think of it: 156 columns and more than 35 newspaper partners later, I’ve also had the opportunity to write a book; there’s a growing website; and now there’s a traveling live show known as “An Evening of Faith …” that takes the message of God’s infinite love on the road.
I’ve gotten to tell the wonderful stories of faithful people from coast to coast. And the requests for new stories are still rolling in.
Heavens … the power of the Holy Spirit is so wild it blows my mind!
Because, it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that I’ve been able to share this with thousands of readers: You are loved; you are enough; and you are forgiven.
So, where do we go from here friends?
I’ve given a lot of thought to this in the run up to the third anniversary of Finding Faith. And I’m hoping that you’ll join me in continuing to grow the Finding Faith family.
I admit, this is a selfish ask. After all, it’s hard to remove the ego from a creative person. But if over the past three years you’ve found that this column has helped you see the gospel in the every day, or has made you smile or think or, yes, even tear up.
If you’ve found this column valuable to your faith life even the least bit, then would you consider helping us continue to share the message of God’s grace?
No, this isn’t a telethon. I’m not asking you for money outright -- although I do know of a particular devotional book I’d recommend! … What I’m asking is that you spread the word about the Finding Faith family.
Know a newspaper that might like to carry the weekly column, let them know about us. Know a reader that digs faith stories, tell them about the blog. And if you’re looking for a new faith experience for your community, consider having us bring the show to your church.
Is this column a shill? I suppose it is. … But I hope that for those who are moved by the column on a regular basis, that you might see it as a unique advertisement for the Holy Spirit.
You see, none of this in the past three years would have been possible without the Spirit’s hand in making it happen.
And so, yes, this week I’ve decided to ask you to cast a vote to further the reach of the Finding Faith family.
So, would you consider giving the Holy Spirit your vote by helping us reach even more faithful friends? Amen.
Devlyn Brooks is the interim CEO of Churches United in Moorhead, Minn., and an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America serving Faith Lutheran Church in Wolverton, Minn. He blogs about faith at findingfaithin.com, and can be reached at devlynbrooks@gmail.com.