By Intern Pastor Devlyn Brooks
In my three years here at Faith, I have some precious memories that center on presiding over communion.
But, on Tuesday night, as FLC Council President Debi Byars and I stood in the wet snow flurry, serving communion to those who drove up in their cars, I wondered if there will ever be a communion experience more memorable than that!
Saying that we are all in uncharted waters now, seems like it’s getting to be a cliche. We’re not working the same way, going to school the same way, or socializing the same way. And we’re certainly not going to church the same way, let alone taking communion the same way.
All of that is true. And none of it is easy. … Frankly, it’s exasperating a lot of the time.
I shared with our Education Committee that met this week that at our last Faith Lutheran Council meeting, you could see the weariness and frustration on the faces of our council members. As you can imagine, leading a church during a pandemic isn’t any easier than trying to complete our work or get our kids educated or take care of our most vulnerable loved ones.
But, that being said, I am very proud of our congregation, and how we continue to find ways to be “church” even when we can’t be together in church.
Our Sunday school parents and students continue to adapt, and while the program we’re offering up doesn’t have the same feeling as when the kids are running spiritedly through our church building, you can still see the Spirit alive in their efforts. (On a side note, as they gear up for a Christmas pageant like none we’ve ever experienced, I’m excited to tell you that they have a pretty awesome plan up their sleeves!)
In addition, I continue to meet almost weekly with our confirmation kids (three of them!) through digital means, and again, while the conversation loses some of its vitality through Zoom, we are having fun and still learning about the Old Testament!
You also may be aware by now about our “drive-up” communions that we have been hosting in September and October. After church on the second and fourth Tuesdays, Debi and I have been taking our bread and wine to the curbside and serving up communion to those who come in their cars. To say that it’s been a unique experience, is an understatement. … And again, while those who have participated may agree that it’s not the same as taking communion around our beautiful altar, it is one more way to serve our congregation and to bring people together.
Of course, then there are the live and recorded online services that our Digital Services Team continues to produce each week. I cannot say a big enough thank you to Mike Nelson and Veroncia Nelson for the music, to Debi for performing the readings each week and to Austin Erickson for being our on-the-scene tech guru! … The silver lining to our worship efforts right now is that we continue to reach dozens and dozens of people through our live and recorded digital services each week, vastly more people than we used to reach on any given Sunday.
Faith Family, I know none of this will ever truly replace the feeling of coming together in person for our worship service each Sunday morning. But I can tell you that I and the Faith Lutheran council are committed to bringing you worship and fellowship opportunities as best as we can during these challenging times. So, while none of the efforts by themselves will ever replace being together in person, hopefully the whole gamut of our efforts is helping you to feel connected to the congregation and to feel the Holy Spirit pulsing through the people of our church.
However, please know that none of us has the monopoly on great ideas. So, if you have an idea as to how to continue to offer ministry or mission through new channels here at the church, please reach out to Debi or I. We are always open to new ideas! And we’d welcome anyone who is willing to help lead a new sort of mission or ministry during this very challenging time!
Lastly, Faith Family, I continue to do my best to stay in contact with as many of you as possible. I am currently working through the phone list of our active members again, but if there are any spiritual or pastoral needs you have at any time, please feel free to contact me either through the church, or by whatever means necessary. While there is a lot going on, it is important to me to know that your spiritual needs are being met too. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you to reach me. Thank you!
You are all in my prayers, Faith Family, and I continue to pray that you receive and feel the blessing of our beloved Creator. May you be wrapped in an embrace of Christ’s peace, love and caring. … Amen.
Blessings to you all!