EDITOR'S NOTE: In October 2021 I began a new venture writing a newspaper column titled "Finding Faith" for the Forum Communications Co. network of newspapers and websites. I was asked to contribute to the company's ongoing conversation about faith, lending a Lutheran and fairly ecumenical approach to the discussion. The column was published in several of the company's papers and websites, including The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead. This column originally appeared as a "Finding Faith" column on June 9, 2023.
By The Rev. Devlyn Brooks
Last weekend I had the opportunity to participate in our Lutheran synod’s annual assembly, a gathering of synod staff, clergy, church staff and lay folks from around northwestern Minnesota.
As one can imagine, there were a large number of people in later seasons in life who attended. But one might also be surprised to learn there were a whole lot of other people there too.
There were even young people! ,,, And so many others!
People from larger, urban churches that worship hundreds on a Sunday. People from smaller, rural churches who worship only a handful on Sundays. And even people who don’t worship in a church at all, and maybe not even on Sundays, but still belong to a committed faith community.
There were people of color. Men, women and people from the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Even some children!
And clergy of all kinds: Churchwide officials, a bishop, retired pastors, active pastors, part-time pastors, queer pastors and lay leaders who lead congregations because of their sheer love for the church!
Synod Assembly was a picture of what church is meant to be: All of the Creator’s beautiful people under one roof, breaking bread, taking communion and singing praise … together. And it gave me chills! What a joyful day!
Sure, there’s no discounting that the church -- all mainline churches in America, actually -- are changing. In fact, there is not a major Christian denomination in the United States growing today.
And there is no hiding the fact that the church has to do better in so many ways. Reconciling the past hurts, taking bolder stands on racism, including leaders from more walks of life and doing a better job of leading in the care of creation. So much more to do. … After all, what can we expect from a church consisting of mere humans?
But, on that one day at assembly, we got so much right! So many of God’s beautiful people, coming together to plan, to dream and to commit to building a better church! All of the church, together purposefully shining spotlights on nontraditional ministries that are tending to those who live on the margins; joyfully listening to young adults clamoring to be heard; and actively imagining a more caring and responsive church, built to minister to God’s people rather than to sustain buildings.
It seems that what the Holy Spirit is doing here in America is changing, but it’s no less evident that it is life-changing. We may not be building up big-numbered churches here anymore, but the Spirit is still leading us to tend to God’s people, maybe more so than ever.
Synod Assembly was a wonderful day that renewed my hope and filled my heart. And I realized I am privileged to be part of a church, rife with human failings and all the boils, but that is trying to better serve God. Amen.
Devlyn Brooks is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and serves Faith Lutheran Church in Wolverton, Minn. He also works for Forum Communications Co. He can be reached at devlynbrooks@gmail.com for comments and story ideas.