When I started down this road to ordination more than five years ago, I never could have imagined that I would be writing a post such as this.
Presiding ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Eaton released this statement today after hearing from federal law enforcement about possible threats toward so-called "liberal churches." ... I suppose that she is correct. I suspect that online chatter such as this will be used to sew as much discord as possible in the coming days because those who stand to lose power with a more just and equitable future will stop at nothing to create more anxiety, fear, discontent and tension.
But the announcement still made me take pause. ... I never considered that following my call those many years ago could eventually put me in danger. But the longer that I have been in seminary, and the longer that I have been in the pulpit have made me realize that following a call in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is implicitly a political decision. Just as it was for Jesus some 2,000 years ago.
Because, you see, evil will never stop. Evil is not interested in the gospel freeing people. Evil is not interested in the gospel calling out those who are power hungry, who are white supremacists, who are bigots, who are racist, who are misogynistic ... who stand to lose status and dominion and power if the Holy Spirit liberates more people. ... So, Evil, will not stop. And that may even mean sewing fear in the faithful.
Even several months ago, I would have tried to walk a think line with a statement like that, as I've prided myself on preaching the gospel, steering clear of politics, trying to unite through Christ's love rather create friction.
But in recent weeks I've awakened to the fact that Evil doesn't care. Evil will come in the guise of those who say that we have to be tolerant of extremist white supremacy views. That the 1st Amendment protects those views. ... And that those views are traditional.
But both as a journalist of 25 years and a preacher I will not stand idly by and let Evil distort what the 1st Amendment actually means and what it actually stands for. Recent events have been a crystalizing experience for me. It's helped me understand the true nature of what it means to be a called and ordained pastor in the ELCA. ... It is inherently a political decision. And I've come to realize that there is little room to shy away from the difficult topics that face our society. ... Just as Jesus never did.
In a few short weeks I'll be filling out my "Rostered Minister Profile" for the ELCA that will describe how I see myself as a pastor, and shortly after I'll need to complete my massive approval essay that helps demonstrate to the seminary and my synod my theological transformation. In both documents I'll need to explain to the world what kind of pastor I'll be, and frankly, I know now that those documents today will be entirely different than what they would have been even two months ago.
On top of that, my church that I am serving now also will be going through the "call" process in which they discern what type of pastor they want to lead them. Of course, we have three years of history together, but recent events have awakened a prophetical call in me that I never realized existed. And now there are doubts creeping in as to whether they will still accept this new burgeoning awareness.
And all of this boils down to ... my last sermon is when I feel that I was borne into being a pastor. As frightening as it was getting up in front of that camera last Tuesday, it was a turning point in my call. And I felt that innate call towards the Good News. ... The Good News cannot be contained, and despite my best efforts to keep the Spirit tamed these past three years, I've learned that the Spirit cannot be tamed.
I now have a far truer understanding of the battle between the Good News and Evil. The turbulent events taking place around us, Bishop Eaton's message today, the headlines that bombard us every day. ... The evidence of Evil is there. ... And whether I was naïve to it before, or I was lulled into a sense of security like so many others, I am aware now. ... And today I stand proud in living out my call.
I pledge not to let Evil win, to cower my preaching, to make me wish to keep the Spirit tamed ... any more.
And so today I am finding faith ... in a new understanding of my pastor call. ... A call that does not allow me to be neutral in the fight against the Good News and Evil any longer.