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Cass County Board looks to decide on name

I first started at the Bemidji (Minn.) Pioneer as an intern in the summer of 1996. That would begin six years as a news reporter, sports reporter and copy editor for a small, six-day-per-week daily newspaper in northern Minnesota. I wrote a large range of stories from multiple beats, to features to sports, my favorite being the coverage of the Red Lake Reservation High School basketball team named the Warriors. Here is a collection of my stories from my time at the Pioneer.

Nov. 30, 1999

By Devlyn Brooks

You say Sanburn Lake. ... I say Sanborn Lake. Sanburn, Sanborn, let's call the whole thing off.

The Cass County Board of Commissioners will set a hearing date to consider changing the name of Sanburn -- Sanborn? -- Lake at its regular meeting 1 p.m. Thursday, according to Cass County Administrator Bob Youchum. The meeting will be held in the third floor courtroom of the Cass County Courthouse in Walker.

Yochum said the meeting will help settle the debate among area residents who think the name of a lake near Backus is Sanburn and others who think it is Sanborn. Auditor/Treasurer Sharon Anderson will present information about the topic at Thursday's board meeting.

In other major business, the board will host its second public hearing concerning the county's proposed tobacco ordinance, which will govern sales of tobacco products at businesses located in municipalities that do not have an established tobacco ordinance.

And the board will discuss a new county program spearheaded by the county's environmental office, the Minnesota Extension Service and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources focusing on educating new land owners about conservation techniques.

After adjourning the regular board meeting, the county commissioners will break and then reconvene at 7 p.m. for the county's Truth in Taxation hearing.

In other business, the board will consider the following at its regular meeting:

  • 1:05 p.m. -- Second public hearing on tobacco ordinance.

  • 1:15 p.m. -- Auditor/treasurer report, including a review of liquor license fee survey and setting a hearing date for the geographic name change on Sanburn Lake.

  • 1:30 p.m. -- Administrator report, including the consent agenda and a Trelipe cell tower committee report.

  • 2 p.m. -- Land commissioner report, including adopting a resolution regarding mineral rights, authorizing transfer of an easement in Smoky Hollow Township, reviewing quarterly timber auction results.

  • 2:15 p.m. -- Highway department report, including discussion about the Hackensack shop maintenance position and former shop repairs.

  • 2:30 p.m. -- Consider approving Conservation Education Program, presented by Mardi Harder, Minnesota Extension Service, John Sumption, Cass County Environmental Services Department, Doug Sanstrom, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

  • 2:45 p.m. -- Environmental Services office report, including an amendment to the Walker/Hackensack landfill closure agreement and authorization to construct a fence at Pine River Transfer Station.

  • 3 p.m. -- Assessor's report, including a review of abatements and comments on the Truth in Taxation meeting.

  • 3:15 p.m. -- Emergency management director's report, including a status report on Federal Emergency Management Agency reimbursement and authorization of request for staff to provide local assistance.

  • 3:30 p.m. -- Discussion with probation director about correction user fees.

  • 3:45 p.m. -- Confirm upcoming meeting schedule and reschedule strategic planning session.


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