Starting in early 1994, I worked for my first-ever newspaper, The Northern Student, the student newspaper at Bemidji State University, where I attended and received my bachelor's degree in mass communication. Over three years, I would be a staff writer, news editor, managing editor and editor. I wrote everything from news stories to feature stories to sports stories to opinion pieces. It was the greatest training ground a journalist could ever have, and I am grateful to the many talented people I worked alongside in my years at The NS.
May 4, 1994
By Devlyn Brooks
For the Northern Student
Next fall, some BSU students may find that the food tastes better on campus.
There will be a greater selection, more brand names and the services will be more of a fast food style of service, said Director of Residential Life Dale Ladig.
In May, the Minnesota State University Board will award a new food service contract to one of three companies -- ARA Services, Mariott or Professional Food Service Management. The board will base its decision on the recommendations of the State Food Service Task Force formed by MSUB to research the current food service market.
This task force for the MSUB is comprised of representatives of the state board, an administrative liaison for each of the seven campuses and student representatives from each campus. Vice President for Administrative Affairs Tom Faecke is BSU's administrative liaison and Ryan Brovold is BSU's student representative.
Ladig believes that the new contract will mean more and different options for students' meal plans. The meal plans will allow students to eat at places other than Wally's -- like the Lakeside Food Court, Ladig said. Although students with class conflicts can have meals transferred to the Lakeside Food Court now, there will be a more formalized plan next year.
One proposal for a new meal plan would be a "cash equivalency" plan. It would allow students to receive a cash amount equivalent to the meal that they do not eat at Wally's. The student then may use this cash amount at such places as After Hours or the Lakeside Food Court.
A second type of meal plan BSU could adopt to enhance food service is a "declining balance" program. Students would deposit money into a food account at BSU and could eat anywhere on campus and charge it to their accounts. "This would provide for a great variety in dining choices, because of the many places located on campus to eat," said Brovold.
Ladig said the decision to renew and to rebid the contract is a result of the current contract being very out of date. For example, the current contract requires only meat and potatoes at meals, where the new contract mandates a variety. Also, the current contract isn't up to current standards of sanitation, cleanliness and recycling.
The Minnesota State University System is now operating on a five-year contract with ARA Dining Services that was written more than 20 years ago, said Ladig. After the initial five-year contract ran out, one-year extensions were given to ARA every year until now.
"The new contract will be a five-year contract, with only two one-year extensions that will be optional. So the contract won't be so badly outdated before the next one needs to be written," said Brovold. Both Ladig and Brovold believe the new contract allows for more individual flexibility among the campuses than the old contract did, such as operating hours, menu variety and meal plan options. Brovold said he believes that this individuality will contribute to keeping meal plans costs low.
Initially, six companies showed interest, and by February, four companies were touring the MSUS campuses. After touring the campuses, three companies -- ARA, Mariott and PFM -- sent back proposals to the task force. The task force is currently reviewing these proposals and will soon review other campuses across the nation that use the services of these companies. The task force will make a recommendation to the MSUB by May 3, and the MSUB will officially announce the recommendation on May 20.